Vineyard Grove Baptist Church

Marker Text:

Instituted under direction of Elder Willie Picket, missionary of South Baptist Convention, on Nov. 9, 1847.  Charter members:  Betsy Parrish Gilmer; Margaret Hart; John W. Jones, Tamazine D. Jones, Tamazine F. Jones; Benjamin B. Parrish, Thersa C. Parrish; SInclair Stapp, Sallie Parrish Stapp.  Elder Pickett was chosen pastor; John W. Jones, Deacon; and Sinclair Stapp, Clerk.  On June 16, 1849, Jones, David Pevler, and Adam Yoakum were asked to superintend building a meetinghouse.  This was completed in 1853.  The church still serves this community. (1971).

Directions:  From Honey Grove, go west on SH 56 for 2 miles to FM 1396, then north on FM 1396 for 4.1 miles.

In 1995, due to the poor condition of the church building, the congregation made the decision to tear down the church building.  The pulpit, along with the folding chairs and tables and the piano, were moved to the Allens Chapel Community Center.  This information and the photo below is the the Allens Chapel Scrapbook.  The drawing below was made by John Rex Witcher.